空中楼阁国家党政策无效 工党呼吁采纳Kiwibuild政策
奥克兰建筑许可发放数量之低,进一步证明国家党政府住房政策无效。工党呼吁为解决住房危机必须采纳工党“Kiwibuild”政策, 为首次买房人士盖100,000套价格合理、买得起的普及型房。
截止今年9月,奥克兰民宅建筑许可共发放5,600,而奥克兰市政府认为每年需建13,000 幢新房才能跟得上人口增长。ANZ银行经济分析师也表示,奥克兰年度建房数量仍比历史平均数低24%。
工党住房发言人Phil Twyford 说政府住房部长许愿在奥克兰建39,000套,不但是空中楼阁,而且央行 LVR贷款政策带来的限制,无疑对建新房处以绝膑之刑。
建筑行业Master Builders主席表示,这项贷款限制每年将减少新建房达3000幢。
工党表示不提高供应量难以使首次购房人士找到承受得起的住房。国家党政府应该采纳工党的Kiwibuild建房政策,为首次买房人士建100, 000幢普及型房。
Housing Spokesperson
1 November 2013 MEDIA STATEMENT
Auckland’s new build going nowhere fast
Disappointingly low building consents in Auckland are further evidence the Government’s housing policy is not working, says Labour’s housing spokesperson Phil Twyford.
Dwelling consents for the year to September totalled just over 5600 in Auckland, well below the 13,000 new houses the Auckland Council says are needed annually to keep up with population growth. Mark Smith, ANZ senior economist, has commented that Auckland annual consents at 5647 were still 24 per cent below historical averages.
"Nick Smith has promised 39,000 new houses in Auckland, but the Government’s plan to increase supply seems to be going nowhere fast according to these latest figures" said Mr Twyford.
"The Government talks about increasing supply, but there are growing indications the new LVR lending restrictions are knee-capping new builds."
Master Builders President Warwick Quinn has also indicated the lending limits could reduce new builds by up to 3000 a year.
"Without a major increase in supply, there isn’t a show of making housing more affordable. Now more than ever the Government should adopt Labour’s Kiwibuild policy and build 100,000 affordable homes for first home buyers” said Mr Twyford.
"These figures prove beyond doubt that the Minister’s habit of turning up with media in tow to the fitting of every new door knob is not going to fool anyone into thinking the government has a credible housing policy."