工党社会发展事务发言人 杰辛达•阿登 (Jacinda Ardern)
工党社会发展事务发言人 杰辛达•阿登日前表示:社会福利部长宝拉•本内特试图把失业者抹黑成根本就不把找工作放在心上的懒骨头纯属攻击。
本内特日前在国会念了一串工作空缺的名单――暗示如果那17万5千个失业者愿意的话,就有的是工作机会 – 这种做法太没品了。
本内特声称 The Warehouse 集团在10月到1月份之间有3家店合起来有300个全职和兼职的空缺。换句话说,是给学生们圣诞期间的短期和假期工作。但是她没提到的是在上一次The Warehouse在10月份登广告后,有多达1200人申请而其实只有111个职位空缺。
她还特别强调将在Paraparaumu新开的New World 超市会有更多的职位空缺。然而不仅这个超市预计到明年年底才可能开张,而且这家公司之前为150个职位招聘登广告,结果有2700人申请。
本内特接着说 ‘Brightwater Engineers Ltd’ 现在招聘40名员工,但是据说这家公司在今年年初却解雇了40名员工。
她又声称在New Plymouth新的Bunnings Warehouse会招聘40名员工,但是却轻易不讲上次Bunnings登了70个职位空缺广告却有800人去申请。 Bunnings Warehouse 在网上面向全国范围招工的只有3个职位空缺。
她表示Taylor Preston肉类工厂在10月份有160个工作(机会),根本就表明本内特对于这一行业面临的危机完全不了解。虽然旺季可能会来临,但在Blue Sky Meats和Alliance’s Mataura肉类工厂有300个职位已经被砍掉。
本内特女士日前在议会所作的唯一正确宣称,是说我对失业问题非常愤慨,而她也应当深有同感才是。(霍建强议员办公室 供稿)
Spokesperson for Social Development
14 November 2012
Bennett bouncing all over the place on jobs
Social Development Minister Paula Bennett’s attempt to paint jobless Kiwis as shirkers who can’t be bothered looking for work is insulting, Labour’s Social Development spokesperson Jacinda Ardern says.
“The roll call of job vacancies she read out in the House yesterday - implying that there is work for the 175,000 jobless Kiwis if they want it – was in extremely bad taste. It was also way off the mark.
“Ms Bennett claimed that ‘the Warehouse Group has 300 full-time and part-time jobs, across three stores, available between October and January’. In other words short term, holiday jobs for students over the Christmas period. She failed to mention that the last time The Warehouse advertised in October there were 1200 applications for 111 vacancies.
“She highlighted the fact that a New World supermarket was opening in Paraparaumu and there would surely be jobs going there. Not only is that store not expected to open till late next year, a previous advertisement by the company for 150 jobs attracted 2700 applicants.
“Ms Bennett went on to say that ‘Brightwater Engineers Ltd is looking for 40 staff at the moment’. That firm is reported to have sacked up to 40 people earlier this year
“And in stating that ‘40 staff are required for the new Bunnings warehouse in New Plymouth’, she conveniently ignored the fact that the last time Bunnings advertised 70 openings it received 800 applications. The company is currently advertising three vacancies online, across the entire country.
“Her claim that ‘Taylor Preston meat works has got 160 jobs [opportunities] opening in October’ highlights how out of touch she is with the crisis in that industry. While it might be moving into the high season some 300 jobs are being axed at Blue Sky Meats and Alliance’s Mataura meat works.
“To suggest that Kiwis are somehow lazy, or not trying to find work, is pretty desperate. To then try to rationalise those statements by describing the job market as ‘bouncy’, as she did today, is just ludicrous.”
“The only claim Ms Bennett made in the House today that is correct, is that I am angry about unemployment. She should be too,” Jacinda Ardern said.