工党中小企业事务发言人 克雷顿·柯斯格罗夫 (Clayton Cosgrove)
工党拟向商业专业委员会提出书面要求对Solid能源公司倒闭展开质询,并要求传唤公司前任总裁Don Elder 博士。
我正要给商业专业委员会的Jonathan Young写信,要求对这家公司明显是根子性的大问题展开调查。
能够对这一切作出解释的人员之一如今却正拿着每年高达130万纽币的高薪在家上班。前任总裁Don Elder博士必须面对专业委员会作出说明。Solid公司已经表态说前总裁完全有出面解释的自由。如果他不想出面,我将要求专业委员会传唤他。
该是我们知道答案的时候了。 (霍建强议员 办公室 供稿)
SOE Spokesperson
Labour calls for inquiry into Solid Energy
Labour is writing to the chair of the Commerce Select Committee to request an inquiry into the collapse of Solid Energy and to issue a subpoena to its former chief executive Dr Don Elder if necessary, says Labour’s SOE spokesperson Clayton Cosgrove.
“Solid Energy’s collapse is a huge concern to the public. New Zealanders deserve answers on how this successful company turned into a basket case.
“I am writing to Jonathan Young, the chair of the Commerce Select Committee requesting an inquiry into the clearly deep-rooted problems in this company.
“The current chair and interim chief executive are new to the roles and can’t answer questions adequately, through no fault of their own.
“One of the people who has the answers is currently being paid $1.3 million a year to work from home. Former chief executive Dr Don Elder must appear before the committee. Solid Energy has said he is free to do so. If he does not wish to appear I will ask the committee to issue a subpoena for him to attend.
“It’s time for answers,” says Clayton Cosgrove.