工党领袖 大卫谢尔(David Shearer)
今天发布的失业数据完全不出意料之外。一周又一周,越来越多的人失去工作。仅在两天前,高技术制造企业Rakon把60个好工作外放到海外。同一天,新西兰招牌企业Fisher and Paykel也被卖给外国,这导致人们害怕大量工作会随之流失。
我们将通过全面普及国民储蓄计划、推行资本利得税、税收抵免等措施增强投资、将资金引向激励那些创造了高薪工作的好企业。(霍建强议员办公室 供稿)
Labour Leader
8 November 2012 MEDIA STATEMENT
Key’s legacy: highest jobless rate since Shipley
John Key’s legacy to New Zealand will be the highest jobless rate in 13 years, since the last time a National government was in power, says Labour Leader David Shearer.
“John Key promised he would create 170,000 new jobs. Instead we have 175,000 people looking for work and the highest jobless rate in 13 years.
“I know the biggest concern for New Zealanders right now is holding down a job that pays a good wage. It’s tough out there.
“Today’s figures come as no surprise to New Zealanders. Week after week, more job losses are announced. Just two days ago high-tech manufacturer Rakon outsourced 60 good jobs overseas. On the same day Kiwi icon Fisher and Paykel was sold offshore, raising fears jobs will go with it.
“It’s yet more disappointing news for New Zealanders, who are constantly being let down by this Government.
“What will it take for National to admit its hands-off policies aren’t working? How many more jobs will have to go? Kiwis deserve better.
“The last time unemployment was this high was the last time National was in power. There’s no coincidence, National brushes unemployment under the carpet. Labour is the party of jobs.
“National doesn’t have the ideas or the willpower to get the economy moving and businesses flourishing. Labour does.
“Labour will be hands-on. We will work with businesses, workers and communities to create opportunities, advance new ideas and get New Zealanders working for a just wage again.
“We will increase our investment pool by making KiwiSaver universal and use capital gains taxes and tax credits to direct that money to good companies that create high-paying jobs.