Events update
1) 9 March Fri. 7-9pm Pasifika Festival Opening Night Western Springs Park outer fields,free
3月9日晚7到9点, 太平洋岛节开幕, 地点:Western Springs Park 俗称“鸭子湖”
2) 10 March Pasifika Festival Day 10am-5pm the same park 10 villages – Aotearoa, Cook Is. Fiji, Kiribati, Niue, Samoa, Tahiti, Tokelau, Tonga,Tuvalu -- celebrate their unity and diversity
3月10日上午10点到下午5点,同一地点,分10个村,代表10个国家欢庆太平洋岛节, 歌舞表演,食品摊位等,两天的活动全部免费
3) 18 March: (Ports of Auckland Round the Bays Sun 18 March ($15 adult, $10 kids)
3月18日奥克兰港口万人“Round the Bays”跑步活动,从市中心经由Mission Bay跑到St Heliers, 全程约8.4km。想参加的朋友可在网上登记和交费。费用成人$15,儿童$10。
4) 24-25 March Neighbour’s Day
3月24,25日为 “邻里节”如有邻居朋友来访,或有人组织“街道烧烤”活动,应热情欢迎,积极参加;亦可主动联络街坊朋友一起开展活动
5) 1 April: Auckland Council is hosting the Auckland international cultural festival at Mt Roskill War Memorial Park on 1 April (food, performances) to mark the International Race Relations Day, which falls on 21 March. (Please note that there are more than 180 ethnicities in our region.)
3月21日为国际民族团结日,奥克兰是政府将在4月1日在Mt Roskill 战争纪念公园举办国际文化节活动,免费参加
A. Hazardous waste: dispose of household and garden chemicals, batteries, old gas bottles and other household hazardous waste: the next collection is on Sat 17 March 10am-2pm in the Lloyd Elsmore Park Car Park on Sir Lloyd Drive
市区及东区市民家里若有危害性垃圾,如有毒化学品的容器,废旧电池,煤气罐等, 可于3月17日星期六上午10点到下午2点,送到东区设于Lloyd Elsmore Park (即游泳池所在的公园) Sir Lloyd Drive 的回收站,让有关部门统一处理。
B. Auckland long-term plan (LTP): Have your say: submission closed 23 March at 5pm
proposals relating to:
a) investment in transport initiatives;
b) projects to boost our economy;
c) projects and services in your local community;
d) the natural and built environment;
e) the single rating system; (8 rating systems to 1, using the same criteria for all areas of Auckland)
f) sewage tariffs;
g) changes to fees and charges including dog registration, resource consent and building control;
h) options for entry charges to public swimming pools;
*Regional Land Transport Programme (RLTP) 2012-2015 : electrification of the rail network, planning for the City Rail Link, preparation for the Western Ring Route, integrated ticketing, the Auckland Manukau Eastern Transport Initiative (AMETI) and improved ferry infrastructure.
The residents’ summary will be delivered to your letterbox from 25 Feb. (the draft LTP.)
由本周起奥市市民都会收到一份题为“Creating a Better Auckland”的奥市10年发展规划草案,供大家讨论并就你最关心的问题和项目提出你的宝贵意见和建议。另一项是交通方面的3年计划。建议各社团与所在地区的Local Board联系并组织会员参与讨论,为此规划献计献策,贡献你的智慧。意见和建议应在3月23日下午5时以前呈交。