我是一个来自台湾的移民。 New Zealand对我来说,她不只是国家和地名的称呼而已,她象征着一种感觉(feeling)、一种心绪(state of mind)。多年来,我经常告诉台湾的民众,纽西兰是一个健康、干净、安全、友善的国家,她是一块蒙上帝祝福的人间净土,也是地球上最后一个理想国。
那种美好的感觉(feeling)和心绪(state of mind)渐行渐远,我已经不敢再轻易向人诉说纽西兰是个安全、友善的国家。
纽西兰官方在台湾的办公室称为「纽西兰商工办事处」(New Zealand Commerce & Industry Office),其功能类似大使馆。贸易组努力推展贸易,每年还协助许多纽西兰的学校在台湾举办招生说明会,签证组受理的案件却经常延迟获得签证。签证组表示:「这是移民部的规定!」。这不是非常矛盾吗!法规不合宜?签证官曲解法规?或移民部未能充分授权?
仅仅在6月份,我的公司就有两个学生以「案件需要转送威灵顿审核」遭到拖延(Client Number : 43994276和43027288),其中一件牵涉到陪两个孩子来纽留学的母亲,一共有四个人正在等待威灵顿移民部的审批。他们循正常程序提出申请,在移民部指定的合格医院完成体检,取得学校入学许可并完成缴费。现在「案件需要转送威灵顿审核」,不合理、可笑至极的规定使他们面对不可知的未来。威灵顿移民部的审核通常要耗费2~3个月,
这些等待签证批下来的学生都拥有完全给付的医疗保险。更令人不解的是,移民部为什么强制需要由在纽西兰的医生做最终的判定?这些在纽西兰的医生从未真正面对送审的申请者,仅仅根据体检报告做纸上作业,这样的判断方式非常不合时宜(Well Outdated)!毫无疑问的,移民部在台湾的合约医院,国际学生与医生面对面的严格检查咨询较为实际可靠,移民部不必、也不应该怀疑合约医院医生的判断!不相信面对面的诊断,
提供这两位学生入学许可的学校,得知学生将延迟抵达的理由,生气愤慨之余,他们共同的反应是: “Stupid (愚蠢) ! Ridiculous (荒谬) !”。近日内这些学校将向移民部提出强烈抗议。
纽西兰这个国家以「知识经济」为其市场发展的导向之一。事实上,政府的有些部门却反其道而行!拒绝让更多国际学生来纽西兰受教育和消费,就是拒绝「教育出口」,「教育出口」可以视为一项重要且富有潜力的商品。 「教育出口」绝对可以为纽西兰带来重大的经济效益!
我一贯坚持对学生和纽西兰的合作学校提供优质的服务,十年努力的成果,目前有许多来自台湾和中国的国际学生就读于纽西兰的中学和大学。仅仅在Auckland Grammar School就有我的8个国际留学生。许多学校都支持我的看法和意见,他们非常愿意与移民部讨论遭遇到的问题和困难。
我衷心盼望最近两个悬而未决的申请案件(Client Number : 43994276和43027288)能迅速获得解决,以利继续为纽西兰的「教育出口」而努力并提供服务。
恳请总理先生、部长先生、新闻媒体的女士和先生们、纽西兰的人民共同来关注,为什么?为什么!同在纽西兰政府的两个部门,一个为纽西兰的利益和经济在努力,另一个却不断地把纽西兰的利益推向澳洲等国家?请问总理先生,在遥远的南半球,纽西兰凭什么有利条件去吸引国际学生?纽西兰的竞争力在哪里? !
Gordon CHANG敬上
Southern Cross International Education Services Ltd. (Taiwan)
NZ Rep. Office : 09-623 0366 630 9266
Mobile : 021 2888878 & 027 256 8882
皇家律师事务所 Royal Reed & Associates
An Open Letter to
The Prime Minister and
The Minister of Immigration
Honorable Prime Minister and The Minister of Immigration,
I am an immigrant from Taiwan. To me, New Zealand is not just the name of a country. It represents a feeling, a state of mind which had long been a sweet dream before I moved here. Since I settled in New Zealand, I have been telling people in Taiwan that New Zealand is a unique place on earth, truly a paradise guarded by God.
For the past ten years, I have been working very hard in my business as an educational agent providing study tours and long term study in New Zealand schools. I did not only aim for personal success, I also tried to make a contribution to my host country. However, my business was disrupted on many occasions by different unpleasant incidents I encountered. My family has been badly shattered by two instances of home intrusion. The news of tourists and visitors being attacked and assaulted are no longer isolated cases. More and more negative news gradually erodes the image of this country. It is sad to say, but I am not convinced that New Zealand is a safe and friendly country any more.
New Zealand is still voted as one of the best destinations for tourists because of its incredible scenery. Most New Zealanders are diligent and kind-hearted as usual. However, there are worries about the future of the country. If the country is determined to protect its good reputation, and to enjoy the benefits of the international students touring or studying in New Zealand, then something has to be done.
The Contribution of International Students
to New Zealand Economy
During the global economic turmoil, the majority of New Zealanders have been working very hard in every field. Many universities, colleges and language schools have put lots of energy into traveling around the world to promote New Zealand. Educational agents (like my company) have invested hugely on both capital funding and human resources to attract more and more international students to study in New Zealand. In a word, many New Zealanders are doing their best for our well-established and highly respected “Export Education” industry.
Once an international student arrives in New Zealand, he/she immediately provides an extra income for the host/home-stay family, and brings around $14,000-25,000 of annual income to the school he/she enrolls in. To add on other expenditure in New Zealand (such as living expenses, travel costs and visits from his/her family) the contribution from an international student to the New Zealand economy is on average $35,000-45,000 annually. I hope you agree with me when I say that revitalising New Zealand’s economy; making Auckland into a super city and reducing unemployment increasingly depends on the arrival of more and more high-calibre international students into the country.
Difficulties in the Export of Education
However, I am not convinced that the Government is on the right track in terms of attracting more international students. Sad to say, but many of the rules and regulations about applying for visas are not helping either schools or educational agents. On the contrary, they are damaging the once blooming industry. Many prospective international students from Taiwan are turned down by the Department of Immigration. Of course, it happens to students from other countries as well.
For many years there have been many international students from Taiwan (intending to study in New Zealand) who have been turned away because of minor health issues. Some applications were severely delayed (as long as several months) because these cases were transferred to the Wellington Office. Most of those rejected students were later accepted by the Australian government and went to study there. In Taiwan health insurance is compulsory. Besides, all international students from Taiwan take out student health insurance policies once they arrive in New Zealand. The refusal to accept these students in the country is widely unmotivated.
The New Zealand Immigration offices in other countries should be well authorized to handle applications. They should not just be secretaries to the Department of Immigration but empowered to handle cases directly. If many instances individual cases are passed on to the Wellington office, it not only increases the workload of the Department of Immigration, but it also causes considerable delay in processing the files. Consequently prospective students change their intentions and apply for student visas elsewhere.
New Zealand Commerce & Industry Office is the official place for the New Zealand government to promote mutual trading between New Zealand and Taiwan. Every year the Office has supported many New Zealand schools to recruit students. Ironically, the officials in charge of visa application have frequently turned down or postponed the applications. The common answer to the refusal or delay is:” It’s the rule and regulation of the Department of Immigration.” Is it because the regulation is outdated? Do the officials misinterpret the regulations? Or is the Office in Taiwan not well authorised by the Department of Immigration? It seems a strange anomaly and one that sadly only hurts this country.
The country is supposedly marketing itself as a ‘knowledge based economy’ – the reality is, however, different. We are turning down such precious commodities in the form of international students?
The export of our education sector undoubtedly contributes hugely to our economy. I can’t help but wonder who is sitting in that immigration office damaging the image of our country, and degrading our competitive edge? We are literally diverting our economic advantages to Australia. A slight cold or a minor health problem which are anyway covered by the health insurances are depriving New Zealand economy of a good source of income. There seems to be a certain shortsight in appreciating the contribution international students make to New Zealand economical prosperity.
Case Studies : Losses for New Zealand Economy
Just this month, I have had 2 applications transferred to the Wellington Office and I am still waiting for their decision (Client number:43994276 & 44027288). The 2 applicants have followed all the NZ regulations, provided health certificates issued by NZ certified hospitals. Their applications to the schools have been accepted, and they have paid school fees. Now these students face an uncertain future, and we don’t know how long it will take to have their cases assessed by our Department of Immigration in Wellington. Based on our experience, it usually takes 2 to 3 months for the Department to process the applications. Such a lengthy and inefficient process is not acceptable! No wonder many prospective international students would rather withdraw their applications and transfer to Australia. I probably would too!
Please allow me to give more details about the 2 cases. We were told that these cases were passed to the Wellington Office based on the following concerns: one had a slightly higher than normal cholesterol level, the other had a heart operation 13 years ago. These two cases have been assessed and commented on by doctors who unequivocally state that the subjects are not overly unhealthy; certainly it is nothing that could in anyway jeopardise overseas travel or study. Even taking into account the positive assessments from doctors, the process of these two cases has been delayed. Why?
The students who are still waiting for visas are fully covered by their insurances. Also, I find it quite strange for the requirements imposed by the Department of Immigration that students should be assessed by New Zealand doctors. In these cases the New Zealand doctors do not actually meet the students and base their reports on paper work which may be well out of date. There can be no doubt about the rigours of the consultation in Taiwan; the prospective New Zealand international students go to doctors of selected Taiwanese hospitals that have an agreement with New Zealand Immigration Service. Like this, all suspicions should be null and void.
The schools which have accepted the two students were angry when they heard about the reasons for the delay in their students’ arrival. Their responses were: “Stupid! Ridiculous! “
Competition with Other International Educational Market :
What Can Be Done to Make New Zealand Stronger ?
As an educational agent, I work very hard for my clients and for my host country (New Zealand). I sincerely ask the Prime Minister and the Minister of Immigration to pay attention to this matter. It is a serious matter which causes strain to parents and students and financial loss to the New Zealand schools ready to welcome these students. The offices in other countries should be well authorized to deal with cases faster, and in a more favorable manner. Services to international students should be more effective since we are competing against an important number of other international educational providers.
More and more countries are competing in the international student market. Anyone who holds a Taiwanese passport will automatically be issued a valid visa without any immigration processes for 3 months to half a year by Japan and Britain. It is comparatively easier to get either a tourist visa or a student visa from the Australian government. Where is New Zealand’s advantage in terms of attracting international students?
I have traditionally provided excellent service to international students and New Zealand schools. There are many international students who are studying in New Zealand as a result of my endeavours. Only at Auckland Grammar School there are 8 students. Many schools support my opinions and are ready to also talk to the Department of Immigration.
I sincerely hope that the case of my students (Client number:43994276 & 44027288). can be reviewed and that I can continue to provide good service to New Zealand.
Yours faithfully,
Gordon CHANG
Southern Cross International Education Services Ltd. (Taiwan)
NZ Rep. Office : 09-623 0366 630 9266
Mobile : 021 2888878 & 027 256 8882
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I am respectfully thankful that lawyer Royal Reed, barrister and solicitor certified by New Zealand High Court, will represent me and act on my behalf.
Royal Reed & Associates
Website : www.royalreed.com Email : info@royalreed.com